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Our food systems have not been designed to adapt to major disruptions like climate change, says environmental journalist Amanda Little. In this eye-opening talk, she shows how the climate crisis could devastate our food supply — and introduces us to the farmers, entrepreneurs and engineers who are radically rethinking what we grow and how we eat, combining traditional agriculture with state-of-the-art technology to create a robust, resilient and sustainable food future.
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Monkey with things too much too quickly like happened in Sri Lanka and you end up with mass starvation!
What an eye-opening talk it is! So much information that I should know that is really important for our future generations.
thank you very much
in the old days people believed in global warming but now we have computers and they agree that the world is the correct temperature!
and the Datas says that it would take 1000s of years to kill people so we don not need to worry!
yes some people are a bit scared but they dont understand the Sciens!
remember in 1000 years computers would not worry about it so why would we !!!!
Wait wait… She just called GMO (crisper) product heirloom…. Is that really a thing …. Creating new heirloom breeds, that will be advertised as heirloom and not as GMO… Not an idea worth spreading.
I don't trust Bill Gates, AT ALL!
The irony of a “failed backyard farmer” who is an “environment journalist.”
Starting with two photos that were the result of governmental shutdown, not related to Climate Change but, posited as such, undercuts her argument.
Robotics bring us closer to nature by distancing us from it? Big warehouses and energy consuming robots solve climate change versus natural ways? How are they using ancient wisdoms? Seems the opposite. Unnatural meats — grown in factories improve things? Decentralized? Doubtful that that will happen. Mechanization and technology has moved the farm in the opposite direction. How has the family farm been doing? Bill Gates and the like are buying up and building big, not decentralized.
By the end, where were the traditional ways even covered. Instead, she advocated purely new tech solutions.
The chivalrous romanian immunocytochemically rub because sponge incidentally please lest a observant bestseller. incandescent, ossified manx
STFU kitchen table BS. Where are the dinosaurs?
Lies! Bill Gates farm land for his mad experiments.
Some nice vehicles there.
biden will save us
who cares
one word applesauce
Most of the food we consume today are genetically modified food. I got type 2 diabetes though I was an active person. When I asked the doctors how I got type 2 diabetes, there is no answer.
Dear all, I was wondering when we talk about today's money and also about Climate change as big problems. we say money is created from thin air. There is no backing like gold for this money. I was thinking the money printing is done by cutting trees, why don't we have a system, where the entire money supply is backed by valuable trees which have value and usability, plus they are life force on this planet.
This way we will value the trees plus we will save the planet and stop Govts to print money as and when they want it. Please share your thought and if someone from Economics can explain about it, whether it is possible or not.
Seriously? The beginning is alarmist crap! The real upshot is that as humans we have and will invent our way forward. People think we are at the pinnacle of our civilization but we are just beginning and making mistakes is part of the learning process. Honour the past, and focus on the future. We don’t need hope, we need to educate our children not with dogma, but with the ability to think, clearly and conscientiously.
This is bullshit. Sell some more pesticides by pretending to be green. She tells half truths promoting the greatness of plant based meats and then ALSO including at lab grown meats (which God only knows what happen with those… Maybe it could lead to a zombie apocalypse) as being just as good. The corporations who produced this video found a pretty little liar to tell their story though, so we'd all believe it much more coming from a concerned woman. I'm calling "BULLSHIT!"
The Corona virus "crisis" was manufactured by the Ieft because cIimate aIarmism wasn't generating enough fear and panic
Climate alarmists are wrong about the future,
higher CO2 greens the planet.
The computer models that predicted disaster are not accurate.
A 72 hour fasting lifestyle would cure climate change, world hunger, and obesity at the same time. Humans weren't meant to eat everyday. Same with veganism. A vegan world would cure climate change
Do people who have no idea what it's like to starve or be homeless or in poverty really deserve to have a voice about the issue
And of course this video has 80,000 views, cant wait for the algorithm to finally work and put this in my recommended in 5 years.
Gravity generator
water is liquid at ground level… Construct a glass skyscraper made out of multi layered glass… The water will evaporate… It will condense at the top of the skyscraper due to water turning into a liquid as it cools down… Collect the water in a funnel and use it to drive turbines on its way back down…
Funny, A friend of mine years ago, used to feed his greenhouse and his pot grow with enough carbon dioxide to make the most delicious tomatoes. And the THC crystallized in the the buds.
She really doesn't know what she is talking about. Another journalist who knows nothing about science. Blah….
"Amanda little" should have Josh Tickle and Wooly Harrison give her a lecture and then admit she told a counterproductive sick lie.
Hi guys! if u care for the environment, please use Ecosia as your search engine. For every 45 searches u make, a tree will be planted somewhere. If you think this is fake, u can always check out their YouTube channel. Stay safe guys 🙂 bai bai
Sbe repeated "usher in" and "marry" a few times, but that's besides the point. I liked this presentation. Most if not all of this is already known, but it should be reiterated many times.
Climate Change has a spicy or tangy taste. . .which one?
We are so screwed.
Capitalists don't care if you have nothing to eat. One of the poorest TED talks I ever seen on this topic akin to technology will save us, no it won't. We will save us, community will save us- if people honestly care about each other and stop competing. Take back capital and manage it in the hands of the people who are the labour. This is the revolution we need, degrowth.
Reko rings
NEWSPEAK. We didn't need to read " I'm a failed vegan and a lapsed vegetarian, and a terrible backyard farmer. If I'm honest, I will keep trying at this, but I may fail" to get an uncomfortable feeling(spiritual sense) that this globalist should not be followed or listened to. This confused lady could not control her physical urges of hunger, lack of self-control typical. BLah blah blah
Take a shot every time she grabs her chin!! You are gonna need it! Another GREAT RESET 4th industrial propaganda video. Creepy..
(In case you were wondering.. 9 times & at least 2-3 she wanted to but stopped herself)
Tilling, factory farming , and eating animals aren't a sustainable way of living.
Viable habitat for growing food traditionally on a global scale is quickly being compromised by self-imposed climate disruption. If the human species is to exist into the relatively near future alternative options must be explored for producing food. Technology may buy us some time, but it's this very technology we've invented that is at the root of the industrial heat engine that is warming the biosphere. It's a fact that all of the past human complex civilizations have collapsed due to their incompatibility with nature herself. Therefore, reinventing ourselves in a sustainable way is the only option left available to humankind, since we're now literally staring down the barrel of another mass extinction that will eliminate most life forms on the planet.
Meh, she lists many unrelated issues facing farmers. None of which disrupt our food supply which is better now than ever in history. Go peddle your doomsday somewhere else
Takeaway: Thank G_d for Covid finally the rubes will see that Climate Change is Manmade, we can finally hit the great reset button, depopulate, finally we can drop unhealthy carbohydrate levels, weight,defund, 3rd wave lockstep toward a great and brave New World, we will finally be saved and man is his own Salvation, that's what these People believe Lockdown and Kneel
She says she wants 3rd way but its pretty tech faith direction 🙂
Some interesting ideas here, but turning our back on methods that restore soil fertility and soil health would be a major mistake. The ideas promoted here are not “third way” nor do they combine the wisdom of the soil with both traditional and new technologies, they seem to be essentially artificial, separated from nature and entirely too disconnected from the living world and in particular the ecology of soil to promise a path forward that is low energy, conservative and restorative.
One of the weakest TED I've watched… There are others '"middle way" to grow food. And it doesn't require "lab/techy fancy" engineering. Thus, most of us can do something about.
☀️It was a pleasure to listen ! Can someone who has an example to get closer between REinvention and DEinvention ,thank u a lot
As long as we the people vote those into power that will implement these ideas, then our future will be on the right path. Otherwise, the old ways of thinking will continue to hinder future growth.
Gotta say man and our current situation wont make 2050! WHY? The giant MONSTER is the N POLE melting one of the Septembers. When, not if; but when and all are saying before 2030 this happens all bets are off! The Jet stream will be reduced to a small ribbon of twisting, looping vortex's this will signal the end of all those major food crops ALL! The jet pushing the systems around keeps really cold air in North and Warm in southern and moves them along. When not it the Jet goes so goes the climate crops needs to grow. then Man dont grow no more! its adios apex creatures and fast!
The worst TED talk I have ever seen, this makes me sad, please TED dont give in to lobbyists money.
Clickbait title, entitled talker (look her up), misleading portrayal of several issues, the list goes on..
Money is a failed system.